
Adding a picture in a corner of our blog

The view that I mean the blog with a picture on the corner of the blog that can be used for advertising, clocks, animation or shoutbox to your liking let's see how easy step by step
1. Login to blogger, click on "Layout -> Edit HTML
2. Find this code ]]></b:skin> if you found it place following code on top.
#corner {
position:fixed;_position:absolute;bottom:0px; left:0px;
document.documentElement.clientHeight-this.clientHeight); _left:expression(document.documentElement.scrollLeft+ document.documentElement.clientWidth - offsetWidth); }
Bottom and Left claimed that the picture will be displayed under the right of our blog and you can change it themselves with or Bottom Up and Left and Right, while 0px replace with your desired position
3. The next step is placed following script code before

<div id="corner"><a href="your url">
<img src="your image" border="0" /></a>
4. If you would like that is there not a picture but the clock / calendar / hit counter / widgets else, then replace the text in red with the script these widgets.
5. Save your work and see the results.

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