
Inserting flash in your blog

Flash is helping to beautify the look of your website then gunakanlan flash section that you like certain parts of the dam makes the display to be attractive so as to attract our visitors to feel at home for long in our website okay let's use the code below

<div align="center">
<embed allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="alink1=http://tipsmakeablog.blogspot.com//" height="450px" quality="high" src="http://www.myplaycity.com/online_games/galaxy_guard.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="550px" wmode="transparent"></embed></div>

Well interesting not to make it easy you guys live coffee above code and replace the red line with your own flash file to the size you can change yourself in 550px according to the size you want


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